My family and I always take a little drive every fall, when the trees are a beautiful color. So today, we took a little drive to the county and we landed on a smelly but refreshing farm! And it was open to visitors too (´◔◞౪◟◔’)
And almost Halloween ( ☌ω☌)♡♡
There was a little section for animals in the farm, and even though it was quite small, there were a lot of animals. ♡ First one is (obviously) a horse, second one is an alpaca, and third one was a goat. All of them were extremely smelly. .(´◉◞⊖◟◉`)bbb
We went inside the place to get some sweets because I (being the sweet tooth in the family) could smell the sweet sugary smell of donuts even though the farm smelled like shit. I'm pretty skilled when it comes to smelling stuff. My parents say I have 개코 (dog nose) because I can smell things so well, like a dog. Anyway, Gangnam Style glasses inside the farm. So random ufuuufufu (∩╹∀╹∩)
Then we came back, and I went through a whole food coma where I just wanted to faint and fall asleep and laze around because fooooooooood. I woke up, watched 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', and here I am, about to study my arse off. ・゚・(ノ︵◉)・゚・
Life's hard, but I think I can manage to get through this!
SIDENOTE: I loooove this song so much! And I look up to Kyary so much! asdfghjkl;
Love that sunglass pile! How cute. haha!